32 research outputs found

    Carbon fluxes and allocation pattern in an apple orchard

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    Carbon fluxes and allocation pattern, and their relationship with the main environmental and physiological parameters, were studied in an apple orchard for one year (2010). I combined three widely used methods: eddy covariance, soil respiration and biometric measurements, and I applied a measurement protocol allowing a cross-check between C fluxes estimated using different methods. I attributed NPP components to standing biomass increment, detritus cycle and lateral export. The influence of environmental and physiological parameters on NEE, GPP and Reco was analyzed with a multiple regression model approach. I found that both NEP and GPP of the apple orchard were of similar magnitude to those of forests growing in similar climate conditions, while large differences occurred in the allocation pattern and in the fate of produced biomass. Apple production accounted for 49% of annual NPP, organic material (leaves, fine root litter, pruned wood and early fruit drop) contributing to detritus cycle was 46%, and only 5% went to standing biomass increment. The carbon use efficiency (CUE), with an annual average of 0.68 ± 0.10, was higher than the previously suggested constant values of 0.47-0.50. Light and leaf area index had the strongest influence on both NEE and GPP. On a diurnal basis, NEE and GPP reached their peak approximately at noon, while they appeared to be limited by high values of VPD and air temperature in the afternoon. The proposed models can be used to explain and simulate current relations between carbon fluxes and environmental parameters at daily and yearly time scale. On average, the annual NEP balanced the carbon annually exported with the harvested apples. These data support the hypothesis of a minimal or null impact of the apple orchard ecosystem on net C emission to the atmosphere

    Evapotranspiration and crop coefficient patterns of an apple orchard in a sub-humid environment

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    Abstract Increasing water use efficiency is one of the main challenges of sustainable fruit tree production. From 2013 to 2015 we measured actual evapotranspiration (ETa) using eddy covariance in a well-irrigated apple orchard located in in South Tyrol (Italy), a sub-humid environment. We assessed the experimental crop coefficient ( K c e x p ) and analyzed the dependency of Kc on specific environmental variables at a daily time scale. K c e x p values changed throughout the season following a bell-shaped trend and were generally lower than the FAO tabular values corrected for local climatic conditions. In the mid-season phase, when LAI and tabular Kc are supposed to be constant, the average experimental Kc ( K c ¯ e x p ) was 1.01, 86% of the Kc value reported by FAO (1.18). Mid-season Kc residuals ( K c e x p - K c ¯ e x p ) were positively correlated with daily vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (ρ = 0.45), suggesting that the daily Kc variability observed is due, at least in part, to changes in the evaporative demands of the atmosphere. We explain these results by considering the relatively humid environment, the high water availability and the fact that leaves on apple trees are more tightly coupled to the atmosphere with respect to a smoother grass surface

    Viticultura en terrazas del Valle de Cembra en Italia: hacia la inclusión de la gestión sostenible del paisaje en las acciones de desarrollo orientadas a la calidad

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    Terraces represent the most wide-spread solution for steep hillslope cultivation. The elevated number of positive ecosystem services produced by the derived terraced landscapes when-well maintained are threatened by ongoing land-abandonment and landscape-irrespective agricultural transformation processes. In this manuscript, we analyzed the current state of the terraced area of Val di Cembra (Trentino-Italy). We aimed to analyze the reason behind the high rate of active maintenance of the terraced viticulture, discuss the main risks related to the introduction of intensive land management practices and list possible solutions for ensuring a long-term sustainable development of the area. We identified the wine-quality oriented development of viticulture, the realization of important infrastructure to ensure mobility and irrigation, and the strong sense of belonging still present also among young generations, the main factors determining the high rate of active maintenance of the terraced landscape. Besides the risk of obsolescence that affects the most marginal terraced areas of the valley, other risks are associated with the possible diffusion of landscape-indifferent land-arrangement and to the adoption of not traditional training systems, which may affect negatively the landscape value. Future perspectives need to enlarge the quality-oriented process undertaken in wine production to the whole territory. Including landscape in land management planning will ensure long-lasting sustainability of viticulture, matching the increasing demand for environmental services from the community and the consumers. Ongoing action in the Valley, that involve both private stakeholders and local authorities, are indicating the intention of the community to move in this direction.Las terrazas representan la solución más extendida para el cultivo en pendientes escarpadas. El número elevado de servicios ecosistémicos positivos producidos por paisajes con terrazas cuando están bien mantenidos se ve amenazado por el abandono continuo de la tierra y la transformación agrícola que no tiene en cuenta el paisaje. En este artículo, hemos analizado el estado actual de la zona de terrazas de Val di Cembra (Trentino-Italia). Nuestro objetivo fue analizar las causas detrás de la alta tasa de mantenimiento activo de la viticultura en terrazas, examinar los principales riesgos relacionados con la introducción de la gestión intensiva de la tierra y proponer posibles soluciones para garantizar un desarrollo sostenible a largo plazo de la zona. Hemos identificado los principales factores que determinan la elevada tasa de mantenimiento activo del paisaje en terrazas: el desarrollo de la viticultura orientado a la calidad del vino, la realización de infraestructuras importantes para garantizar la movilidad y el riego, y el fuerte sentido de pertenencia todavía presente también entre las generaciones jóvenes. Además del riesgo de obsolescencia que afecta a las zonas de terrazas más marginales del Valle, otros riesgos están asociados con la posible difusión de la transformación del territorio indiferente al paisaje y a la adopción de sistemas de cultivo que no son tradicionales, que pueden afectar negativamente el valor del paisaje. Las perspectivas futuras deben ampliar el proceso orientado a la calidad en la producción de vino en todo el territorio. La inclusión del paisaje en la planificación del manejo de la tierra garantizará una sostenibilidad duradera de la viticultura, respondiendo a la creciente demanda de servicios medioambientales por parte de la comunidad y de los consumidores. Proyectos en curso en el Valle, en los que participan tanto actores privados como autoridades locales, están indicando la intención de la comunidad de avanzar en esta dirección

    Effects of pre-harvest techniques in the control of berry ripening in grapevine cv. Sauvignon blanc

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    Due to a variety of reasons (changing climatic conditions, higher photosynthetic efficiency of newly established vineyards, yield restriction imposed by production protocols), there is currently a tendency towards early ripening in grapevines, combined with the production of berries characterized by high sugar content. This tendency conflicts with the general market demand for wines (mostly white wines) with low alcohol level and characterised by a fresh, easy-to-drink taste. We tested two different techniques applied to the canopy (defoliation and the use of an antitranspirant product) with the aim of delaying the ripening process and improving the berry quality of the white cultivar Sauvignon blanc. The defoliation performed at veraison allowed postponement of the ripening process by about 5 days as compared to undefoliated vines, without altering the sugar/acid ratio of the berries. The antitranspirant product delayed ripening by 10 to 15 days. Brix was reduced by 1.5-2.5 degrees in the 2 considered seasons, whereas the effect on acidity was contradicting and needs further research for a full understanding of the mechanisms involved in the process


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    The fundamental vision of the WOOD-UP project was to develop existing wood gasification plants in South Tyrol towards a polygenerative use in order to be able to produce not only energy but also high-quality charcoal (biochar) for the improvement of soil fertility and for climate protection. The project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF 2014–2020, was implemented by the Free University of Bolzano together with the Laimburg Research Centre. Based on the life cycle analysis (LCA) or scenario analysis of the entire production chain of wood gasification, strengths and weaknesses of the existing systems were identified with regard to their impact on the environment. Thanks to the results obtained, a number of suggestions for improvement could be formulated.; Il miglioramento verso un assetto poligenerativo degli attuali impianti altoatesini di gassificazione della biomassa legnosa, dove oltre all’energia si possa produrre biochar di qualità da impiegare in agricoltura come ammendante con effetti positivi sulla fertilità dei suoli e sulla mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici è la visione che ha sostenuto il progetto WOOD-UP. Il progetto, finanziato con fondi FESR 2014-2020, ha visto la collaborazione tra la Libera Università di Bolzano e il Centro di Sperimentazione Laimburg. L’analisi del ciclo di vita e di scenario dell’intera filiera di gassificazione ha evidenziato elementi di forza e di debolezza dell’attuale filiera in termini di impatti ambientali e ha permesso di avanzare proposte di miglioramento sulla base dei risultati ottenuti dalla sperimentazione. ; Grundlegende Vision des Projektes WOOD-UP war die Entwicklung der bestehenden Holzvergasungsanlagen in Südtirol hin zu einer polygenerativen Nutzung, um neben Energie auch hochwertige Holzkohle (Biochar) zur Verbesserung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit und zum Klimaschutz erzeugen zu können. Das mit Mitteln aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung EFRE 2014–2020 finanzierte Projekt wurde von der Freien Universität Bozen gemeinsam mit dem Versuchszentrum Laimburg umgesetzt. Anhand der Lebenszyklusanalyse (LCA) bzw. der Szenarioanalyse der gesamten Produktionskette der Holzvergasung wurden Stärken und Schwächen der bestehenden Systeme hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt aufgezeigt. Dank der erzielten Versuchsergebnisse konnte eine Reihe von Verbesserungsvorschlägen formuliert werden